Reittejä on kaiken tasoisia ja Juran hyvänä puolena pidän sen monipuolisuutta: ylväitä vuoristomaisemia, puistomaisia viheralueita ja metsää.
Vaellus on täällä myös koko perheen harrastus. Lapset juoksevat innokkaasti mäkeä ylös, kun mamma ja pappa tulevat perheen perästä. Mutta älkää luulko, että kaukaa perästä, ehhei. Nämä tädit ja sedät täällä ovat tehty raudasta ja sveitsiläisestä maidosta. Heidän kuntonsa on kohdillaan!
Nyt olemme saaneet valloitettua Sveitsin Juran kaksi korkeinta huippua, La Dolen, 1677 m sekä Mont Tendren, 1679 m. Pitäisikö seuraavaksi siirtyä Alppien huippuihin, epäilen.
We have spent couple of Sundays hiking at Jura. September and October are the best months to hike because it’s not too hot and all the tourists are disappeared from the area. Before even thinking to start hiking I was going to buy a map and compass until someone did advise me and told me that it’s not necessary. There is lots of information on internet about trails. You’ll find information tens of trails, at local area or further. They are well marked at the trails: to trees, roads or rocks. On the internet you’ll also find information about level of the trail, height differences, trekking time or sights.
There are
trails for everybody. I really like hiking at Jura because I like its
diversity. There are wonderful sights, park-like green areas and forests.
Here in
Swiss hiking is activity for the whole family. While kids are running up to the
mountain grandma and grandpa are following from behind. But don’t you think far
behind, no way. Those elderly people are made of steel and swiss milk and they
are in very good shape.
Now we have
conquered two highest points of Swiss Jura. La Dole 1677 m and Mont Tendre 1679
m. Maybe next we continue with Swiss Alps. Maybe not yet ;)
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